jueves, 3 de enero de 2013

Japanese For Everyone Hiragana 1

Japanese For Everyone
Preparatory lesson 1 Week 1Basic hiragana

Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

This course will help you use the book
Japanese For Everyone
by Susumu Nagara
This is the first lesson to teach you basic hiragana before you start the book.

Preparation 1
Week 1. Preparation 1. Learning basic hiragana

一Ichi Step 1

The basics: i►E and e►A
First you need to know the sounds of vowels. There are two changes you need to watch out for. It’s like Spanish: i►E and e►A so i sounds like E as in easy and esounds like A as in name. That’s what you need to remember as you read.
The order of the vowels in Japanese is a, i, u, e, o                                                       Vowel sounds: a as in app, i ►e as in easy, u as in lunar, e►a as in name, o as in only.
With that knowledge see if you can read the following introduction. Read syllable by syllable.
頑張って=Ganbatte = Give it your best!
Ha ji me ma shi te.
Wa ta shi wa sen sei de su.
Yo ro shi ku o ne gai shi ma su.
Good. Now read it again. Let it flow more.
Watashi wa sensei desu.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Well done. One last time and make the final u in desu and masu disappear.
Watashi wa sensei desu.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Well done! You just read my introduction. Now try yours as you watch
Watch and learn from:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYiEcPEZS2U&feature=fvst
Now that we’ve introduced ourselves, let’s get started. We have been reading with regular English letters. They are called Romaji (Roman letters). We already know the vowels so let’s talk about consonants.
Information about consonants:
G is always a hard g as in got. Sometimes it’s nasal but it never sounds like j as in gentle.  J is always an English J as in Jester and never sounds like a French J. Usually you will have a combination of a consonant and a vowel to make a letter or syllable. N is the only consonant that is a letter without a vowel.

Ni Step 2

Now you know the sounds we need to learn the real letters, the Japanese kana as they write them. Try reading the letters in hiragana (the Japanese writing).











































わ を んwa o n
Day 1 You can use flashcards to help you learn them if you like: http://alturl.com/yqb5w

Day 3

Now you know the sounds we need to learn the real letters, the Japanese kana as they read them and practice them. First of all, here’s some  information about ways to write Japanese. There are three systems.
1. Hiragana is the phonetic system for regular Japanese words. You already know its sounds.
2. Katakana is the phonetic system for foreign words. They are the same sounds.
3. Kanji are pictographs or Chinese characters and are not phonetic.
In lesson 1 we only focus on basic hiragana.
Watch/listen/ repeat the Japanese letters focusing only on the top line: http://alturl.com/wwuww Keep watching and repeating the sounds as you read along from the video until you recognize the sounds of the letters and can read them easily. Only focus on the top line (Hiragana). This is important!

Watch /listen to the Audio here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNTPbcjOzdw

Let’s start reading:

You can check your answers and the sounds from the flashcards and audio symbols at http://quizlet.com/9739613/japanese-for-everyone-h1-flash-cards/
一Ichi READ
A:            あ    い    う    え    お
K:            か    き    く    け    こ
S:             さ    し    す    せ    そ
Try reading it forwards and backwards and upwards and downwards.
Now try words:
1.あい __        2.うえ__      3.__          4.あおい__  5.いいえ
1. love           2. up/on/above     3. picture      4. blue           5. no
6.あかい__  7.かお__ 8.__  9.いけ__  10.ここ__
6.red                7. face             8. tree              9. pond         10. here
How about this word? すし

Well done. Take a break. Go for a quick walk.
Day 2. Review then let’s keep going. You’re doing great!
二Ni  Read
T: た   ち   つ    て    と
N: な   に   ぬ    ね    の
H: は   ひ   ふ    へ    ほ
Try reading it forwards and backwards and upwards and downwards.
Now try words:
1.いち __        2.いつ__      3.__          4.そと__  5.あと__
1. one                 2. when            3. hand             4. outside      5. after
6.__  7.いぬ__ 8.ねこ__  9.この__  10.なに__
6.two              7. dog            8. cat              9. this               10. what
The H line has secrets.
i) can be pronounced ha or wa depending on its function.
Watashi is pronounced watashi wa. It’s a topic marker.
ii)  as it can be pronounced he or e depending on its function。
Yama ikimasu is pronounced yama e ikimasu. It’s a directional verb marker.
For now just know there are two possible ways to pronounce and .
Good job. Reward yourself with a treat. Go to a Japanese restaurant?
Day 3 Review Day 1 and Day 2’s work and let’s push on as we’re almost done. This is great!
San Read
M: ま   み    む    め     も
Y: や        ゆ          よ
R: ら   り    る    れ     ろ
Try reading it forwards and backwards and upwards and downwards.
Now try words:
1.いま __        2.もも__      3.むし__          4.みみ__  5.あめ
1. now                 2. peach            3. insect             4. ear           5. rain
6.やま__  7.ゆき__ 8.よこ__  9.あたま__  10.なまえ__
6.mountain   7. snow           8. beside              9. head               10. name
これ means this. それ means that.  あれ means that over there.
Last line:  わ  を  ん
Now try words:
1.わたし____ 2.すみさせん ___ 3.これ を ください。
1.I          2.Excuse me。      3.This please.
Excellent. Now you need to buy yourself something good. How about a kendama? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOiB8CEDQlU
For the last two days review all you have done.
Study this over and over until you feel very comfortable you can recognize the letters. This is essential before you start your textbook
San Step 3. Gifts for you to reward you for your hard work ♥.
  1.       You have a textbook! It’s called Japanese For Everyone                                            Here it is:http://alturl.com/dbcvw
Let’s get talking a little again
Are you feeling well after all that work? Genki?
Watch, listen and repeat here: http://alturl.com/yhz7c
San Step 3. Use extra resources as needed
If you like courses from prestigious universities, feel free to supplement your study with free resources from a course from MIT!
日本語 – MIT Japanese 1: http://alturl.com/2aox
As you have a textbook called Japanese For Everyone                                            Check it out:http://alturl.com/dbcvw

Go to the vocabulary on page 22 so you can prepare for lesson 2 when we will start our textbook! Here’s some more help with the vocabulary Japanese For Everyone Chapter 1 so you can prepare better for Lesson 1 of the textbook if you are feeling very diligent.
You have laid the foundation for a successful course. This will pay off big time for you.
At the end of all this work you need to reward yourself and your mind.
Relax with http://alturl.com/7jcgj
That feels so good.
Yatta! You did it!

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